6.8 Karaka 1

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the underlying Light Industry zone do not apply in the following precinct and sub-precincts unless otherwise specified. The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the  Auckland-wide rules apply in the following precinct and sub-precincts unless otherwise specified.  Refer to planning maps for the location and extent of the precinct.
1. Activity table
The following table specifies the activity status of activities in the Karaka 1 precinct.

 Activity table
 Activity  Activity status
 Dwellings  NC
 Temporary accommodation  P
 Visitor accommodation  C
 Workers accommodation  P
 Sales and auction of horses and stock  P
 Food and beverage  P
 Temporary activities  P
 Equestrian centres  P
 Use of existing buildings for accessory activities  D
 All other activities in the Light Industry zone, other than activities identified as NC  D
 NC activities in the Light Industry zone, other than activities listed in this table  NC
 Buildings  P
 Demolition of buildings  P
 Additions and alterations to buildings  P
2. Land use controls
1. The land use controls applying in the Karaka 1 precinct are specified below.
2.1 Visitor accommodation
1. Visitor accommodation activities may also include conference centres, restaurants, recreation facilities, shops, and other amenities, provided that they are accessory to the visitor accommodation.
2.2 Workers accommodation
1. Workers accommodation must be accessory to the sale and auction of horses and stock.
2. Workers accommodation includes any required buildings.
2.3 Temporary accommodation
1. Temporary accommodation must be accessory to the main activities of the New Zealand Bloodstock Centre offices.
2. Temporary accommodation includes any required buildings.
2.4 Food and beverage
1. Food and beverage activities must be accessory to the sale and auction of horses and stock.
2. Food and beverage activities may also include catering, and any required buildings for catering.
2.5 Temporary activities
1. Temporary activities must be limited to receptions, such as weddings, product launches, conferences, seminars and promotions.
2. Temporary activities must be limited to 7 days duration for any particular event.
3. Temporary activities must not be permanently based in the New Zealand Bloodstock Centre.
4. Temporary activities must not require permanent buildings or other activities to be developed for that activity.
2.6 Equestrian centres
1. Equestrian centres must be accessory to the sale and auction of horses and stock.
2. Equestrian centres must be limited to equestrian and other animal-related shows and competitions.
3. Equestrian centres must be limited to 10 days duration for any particular event.
4. Equestrian centres must not be permanently based in the New Zealand Bloodstock Centre.
5. Equestrian centres must not require permanent buildings or other activities to be developed for that activity.
3. Development controls
1. The development controls applying in the Karaka 1 precinct are specified below
3.1 Building location
1. Buildings must be located in accordance with Precinct Plan 1. Karaka 1.
3.2 Building height
1. Buildings must not exceed a height of 15m.
3.3 Additions and alterations
1. Alterations and additions must not exceed:
a.10% of the existing GFA of the building, or
b.250m², whichever is the lesser
4. Assessment - Controlled activities
Matters of discretion
The council will reserve its control to the matters below for the activities listed as controlled in the precinct activity table:
1.Intensity and scale
Assessment criteria
The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria below for the controlled activity listed above.
1.Intensity and scale
a.The intensity and scale of the land use activity should be compatible with the planned future form of the surrounding area and in particular, the adjoining residential land.
2.Traffic and access
a.The expected traffic generated by the activity should not create adverse effects on the surrounding transport network, particularly at peak times. Adverse effects may be mitigated by upgrades to road and intersection design.
5. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities - development control infringements
Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the relevant development control infringement:
1.building scale and dominance
2.landscape design and site layout
Assessment criteria
1.Building scale and dominance
a.Buildings that exceed the building height or do not comply with the building location control should be able to demonstrate that the height, location and design of the building will not dominate neighbouring sites, particularly those with residential uses.
2.Landscape design and site layout
a.Landscaping should enhance the visual appearance of the development, including around parking areas, service areas and at the precinct boundary, in general accordance with Precinct Plan 1. Karaka 1.
b.Landscaping should be used to:
i.soften large facades
ii.provide visual screening of service buildings
iii.visually integrate development with the adjoining rural zone
c.The general layout of buildings should enable any adverse visual effects of the proposal to be internalised to the greatest extent practicable.
6. Precinct plan
Precinct Plan 1: Karaka 1