5.54 Waiwera

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the underlying Mixed Use zone and Auckland-wide rules apply in the following precinct and sub-precincts unless otherwise specified below. Refer to planning maps for the location and extent of the precinct and sub-precincts.
1. Activity table

The following table specifies the activity status of activities in the Waiwera precinct.

  Activity status
  Sub-precinct A
(Lots 1 and 2 DP 59280)
 Sub-precinct B
(Lots 1 and 2, DP 64622 and Lots 22, 23 and 24 DP 46799)
 Bottling of mineral water from the site  NC D
 Camping grounds  P  NC
 Hotel, including conference facilities, of 15m maximum height, as approved by the council on 7 March 1989  P  -
 Dwellings  D  D
 Visitor accommodation not otherwise provided for  C  NC
 Entertainment facilities excluding nightclubs and bars
 D  D
 Healthcare facilities
 C  P
 Casinos  D  D
 Conference facilities
 C  NC
 Offices ancillary to any controlled activity  C  C
 Food and beverage  C  P
 Retail  C  P
 Tourist related facilities, not otherwise provided for  C  NC
 The construction, addition to or alteration of buildings exceeding 12.5m but not exceeding 18m maximum height, but not for a hotel, including conference facilities, as approved by the council on 7 March 1989  D  D
 New buildings  RD  RD
 Demolition of buildings  P  P
  Alterations to building facades that are less than:
- 10 per cent of its total surface area; or
- 15m²
whichever is the lesser
 P  P
 Internal alterations to buildings  P  P
 Additions and alterations  RD  RD
 Subdivision  D  D
2. Development controls
1.The development controls applying in the Waiwera precinct are specified below.
2.1 Building height
1. Buildings must not exceed a height of 12.5m.
2.2 Building height in relation to boundary
1. Buildings must not exceed a height equal to 3m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and any site boundary.
2.3 Yards
1. Yards must comply with the table below:

Table 1
Front yard
 Sub-precinct A
 Sub-precinct B
2.4 Building coverage
1. The building coverage must not exceed:
a. Sub-precinct A:40 per cent of net site area
b. Sub-precinct B: 50 per cent of net site area.
2.5 Screening
1. Parking areas
Any parking area within 6m of a boundary of a site not within the Waiwera precinct must be screened from the adjacent site by a hedge or close boarded fence, or other solid or closed fence not less than 1.8m high.
2.6 Noise
1. Clause 6.2  of the Auckland-wide - Noise and vibration rules apply except that:
a. the noise levels must not exceed the limits specified in the table below when measured within any residential zoned site or any site used for residential purposes.

Table 2
 Noise limits dBA Leq
 Mon – Sat 7am-7pm  Mon - Sat 7pm-10pm  Sundays and public holidays 7am-10pm  All other times
 45dBA  40dBA  40dBA  35 dBA

50 dB @ 63 Hz
45 dB @ 125 Hz
70 dBA

b.noise levels within the entire Waiwera precinct must not exceed a limit of 60 dBA at all times.
2.7 Number of parking and loading spaces
The Auckland-wide parking, loading and access rules apply except as specified below:
1. The number of car parking spaces required accessory to entertainment facilities is 1 car park for every 3 people the activity is designed to accommodate.
3. Assessment - Controlled activities
Matters of control
The council will reserve its control to the matters below for the activities listed as controlled in the precinct activity table:

Table 3
Activity  Amenity values
 Noise and hours of operation Traffic and parking
 Conference facilities  X  X
 Visitor accommodation not otherwise provided for
 X  X  X
 Healthcare facilities  X  X  X
 Offices ancillary to any controlled activity  X  X  X
 Food and beverage  X  X  X
 Retail  X  X  X
Assessment criteria
The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria below for the controlled activities listed above.
1.Amenity values
a.The scale, layout or design of the activity will not have an adverse effect on the amenity values of the area.
2.Noise and hours of operation
a.The proposed hours of operation should not create a noise nuisance for adjoining residential activities.
3.Traffic and parking
a.The expected traffic generated by the activity should not create adverse effects on the surrounding transport network, particularly at peak times. Adverse effects may be mitigated by upgrades to road and intersection design, but activities likely to generate high volumes of traffic are not encouraged on local roads.
b.Entry/exit points to the site should be designed to suitably accommodate all traffic movement and in doing so, avoid, remedy or mitigate disruption to traffic flows on the adjoining road network.
4. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
Matters of discretion
The matters of discretion in the Mixed Use zone will apply (refer to clause 6.1 of the Business zone rules).
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria in the Mixed Use zone will apply (refer to clause 6.2 of the Business zone rules).
5. Assessment - Development control infringements
Matters of discretion
In addition to the matters set out in clause 2.3 of the Auckland-wide general provisions, the council will restrict its discretion to the relevant matters specified in the Mixed Use zone for the relevant development control infringement (refer to clause 7.1 of the Business zones rules).

For proposals that involve less than the required minimum number of parking spaces, the matters of discretion are in clause 1.2.4 of the Auckland-wide Transport rules. 
Assessment criteria
In addition to the matters set out in clause 2.3 of the Auckland-wide general provisions, the council will consider the assessment criteria in the Mixed Use zone for the relevant development control infringement (refer to clause 7.2 of the Business zones rules).

For proposals that involve less than the required minimum number of parking spaces, the assessment criteria in clause of the Auckland-wide Transport rules will apply.
6. Map Diagram
Precinct plan 1