5.39 Riverhead South

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the underlying Single House zone and Auckland-wide rules apply in the following precinct unless otherwise specified. Refer to planning maps for the location and extent of the precinct.
1. Activity table
The activities in the Single House zone apply in the Riverhead South precinct unless otherwise specified in the activity table below.

 Activity  Activity Status
 Framework plan
 A framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan complying with clause 2.1 below  RD
 A framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan not complying with clause 2.1 below  NC
 Land use
 Two or more dwellings on a site within the Special Development Area shown on the Precinct Plan  RD
 Subdivision complying with an approved framework plan under clause 2.1 below
 Subdivision not complying with an approved framework plan under clause 2.1 below  NC
2. Land use controls
1.The land-use controls in the Single House zone apply in the Riverhead South precinct unless otherwise specified below.
2.Development that does not comply with one or more land use controls as identified in clauses 2.1 to 2.4 below is a non-complying activity.
2.1 Framework plans
1. A resource consent application for a framework plan, amendments to a framework plan or a replacement framework plan must:
a. apply to the whole of the precinct; or
b. apply only to land that the applicant is the owner of; and
c. comply with:
i. the general rules and information requirements applying to framework plans specified in clause 2.6 of the General provisions
ii.the special information requirements for framework plans specified in clause 5.2 and 5.3 below.
d. Seek consent for the following land uses:
i. earthworks associated with the development
ii. the design and location of public open spaces
iii. the design and location of roads and pedestrian linkages
iv. stormwater management devices
v. the design and location of vehicle accessways
2.2 Density
1. Where there are two or more dwellings on a site in the special development area identified in Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct in clause 6 below, the maximum density is one dwelling per 300m2 net site area.
2. Sites for two dwellings or more must not occupy more than 40% of the special development area on Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct in clause 6 below.
3. Where two or more dwellings within the Special development area are proposed on a site, each site must be at least 15m wide:
a. at the road boundary; and
b. for at least 80 per cent of the length of its side boundaries.
2.3 Fencing
1. Fences located in the front yard and/or on any yard adjoining an area of Public Open Space zone must not exceed 1.2m in height
2.4 Garage setback
1. Where garage doors face the front boundary or shared access the front façade of a garage must:
a. be set back a minimum of 5.5.m from the front boundary
b. be set back 2m from the front wall of a household unit
c. occupy a maximum of 35% of the active frontage.
3. Subdivision controls
1.The subdivision controls in the Auckland wide rules - subdivision apply in the Riverhead South precinct unless otherwise specified below.
2.Development that does not comply with one or more of clauses 3.1 to 3.6 below is a non-complying activity.
3.1 Site size
1. The minimum site size for subdivision is 800m² in all areas except the Special development area shown in Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct in clause 6 below.
2. The minimum site size for subdivision in the Special Development Area shown in Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct in clause 6 below is 600m².
3.2 Wastewater servicing
1. All activities requiring wastewater servicing must be connected to a public reticulated water system.
3.3 Water servicing
1. All activities requiring water supply must be connected to a public reticulated water system.
3.4 Street network
1. The road network must be constructed and laid out in accordance with Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct.
2. The road network must not:
a. create direct vehicle access to any residential site from Coatesville-Riverhead Highway
b. provide access to any residential site from a cul-de-sac, jointly owned access road or similar shared access.
3.5 Public open space
1. Public open space must be:
a. provided in accordance with Precinct Plan 1.
b. bounded by public streets for 75 per cent of its perimeter excluding any coastal or riparian frontage
c. developed to the satisfaction of the council.
3.6 Landscaping
1. A landscaping plan must be submitted with the application showing landscaping and planting as specified in the special information requirements of this precinct.
2. The landscaping and planting must be provided within the indicative public open space area and along the southern boundary of the precinct as shown on Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct.
4. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
Matters of discretion
For activities/development that is a restricted discretionary activity in the Riverhead South precinct, the council will restrict its discretion to the following matters, in addition to the matters specified for the relevant restricted discretionary activities in the Auckland-wide rules – subdivision section:

Table 1
 Activity  Density
 Siting and design of buildings
 Subdivision design
 Landscaping  Public open space
 A framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan for land within the special development area  X  X  X  X  X  X
 Development complying with an approved framework plan for land within the special development area    X    X    
 A framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan for land outside of the special development area    X  X  X  X  X
 Development complying with an approved framework plan for land outside of the special development area    X    X    
Assessment criteria
For development that is a restricted discretionary activity in the Riverhead South precinct, the following assessment criteria apply in additional to the criteria specified for the relevant restricted discretionary activities in the Auckland-wide rules - subdivision section:
1. Density
a. The density of development should be compatible with existing development or complement and enhance the future character of the neighbourhood based on a maximum density of one dwelling per 300m2 in the special development area.
2. Siting and design of buildings
a. Buildings should be sited, designed and oriented to achieve:
i. a high quality built form including well proportioned and articulated building facades and roof designs.
ii. a high standard of amenity by maximising solar access to outdoor living space and designing windows and decks to avoid overlooking of adjacent outdoor living space and habitable room windows
iii. attractive landscaping and planting that enhances the character of the streetscape.
3. Subdivision design
a. The layout of sites and streets should complement the existing pattern of subdivision in the established area of Riverhead.
4. Landscaping
a. Landscaping and planting should:
i. be established along the southern boundary of the precinct as shown on Precinct plan 1: Riverhead South precinct. This should include trees that will create an effective screen to the Coatsville Riverhead Highway within 5 years of being planted
ii. be undertaken within the indicative public open space area and along the southern boundary of the precinct as shown on Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct.
iii.retain existing native vegetation and other significant vegetation particularly within the indicative open space area.
iv.include new planting in public places that enhances the character of the residential areas and the surrounding rural and coastal landscape.
5. Public Open Space
a. Public open space should be:
i. provided in accordance with Precinct Plan 1: Riverhead South precinct.
ii. bounded by public streets for 75 per cent of its perimeter excluding any coastal or riparian frontage
iii. landscaped and planted to create a safe and attractive recreational experience.
6. Access
a. The road network should not:
i. create vehicle access to any residential site from Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, where access will have an adverse effect on the safe and efficient operation of the road network and its users
ii. provide access to any residential site from a cul-de-sac, jointly owned access road or similar shared access
7. Framework Plan
a. A proposed framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan should:
i. Result from a process involving consultation with all landowners within that precinct and adjoining precincts.
ii.Address all relevant matters contained within the objectives and policies for the precinct.
iii.Provide for a coherent design and integrate with the surrounding environment and the context of the surrounding development and natural features.
iv.Utilise areas of open space, planting and streetscape treatment to avoid or mitigate the visual effects and impacts of buildings and development.
v.Provide for the efficient use of sites with the use of shared facilities between similar activities both on adjoining sites and in the vicinity
vi.Ensure that buildings are linked and developments promote walkable neighbourhoods.
vii.Ensure that the proposed sites are of adequate size to accommodate the proposed activity together with associated car parking, landscape treatment and any other facilities.
b. The level of detail supplied should reflect ownership patterns. Specific detailed information is required for land that the applicant owns or has an interest in. For that part of the Precinct that the applicant does not own or have an interest in, the extent of detailed information to be provided is to depend on whether there are any specific development proposals at the time of the framework plan application. The applicant is to provide as much relevant detail as possible, after making reasonable enquiries, concerning any such developments. If there are no such development proposals, a general outline only may be provided reflecting the type of development envisaged.
c. The general assessment criteria for framework plans specified in clause 2.6.6 of the General provisions also apply.
5. Special information requirements
Landscape plan
A landscape plan must be submitted showing proposed planting of the indicative public open space area and proposed pedestrian and cyclist paths. The landscape plan must include sufficient information to meet the relevant assessment criteria including the following:
1.a schedule of plant species
2.planting specifications including the number, size and location of individual trees and shrubs
3.a planting management plan
4.a weed management and implementation plan
5.the location and design of public seating, vehicle barriers, signage, pedestrian lighting, litter receptacles, and other amenity features
6.the location and specification of walkways and cycleways
7.retention and enhancement of native vegetation, existing significant trees and natural features.
Framework plans
1.An application for a framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or replacement framework plan must be accompanied by the following information:
a.The overall context of the application area relative to existing buildings, public open space, and any approved buildings and approved framework plans.
b.Existing and other proposed development within and adjoining the precinct.
c.The exact location and design of roads, including the design of all strategic road linkages as identified on Precinct Plan 1.
d.An indicative layout of proposed sites and the location of building platforms.
e.Identification of the main pedestrian and cycle paths through public open areas that gives access to the existing township, streams and coastal margins.
f.The location of stormwater, wastewater and water supply infrastructure.
g.The landscaping plan for the application area.
h.The proposed location of residential and non-residential activities.
i.Where a joint framework plan is not prepared the application will need to show how the development integrates with other sites within the precinct including details of any development proposals on adjoining sites and any other approved framework plan for the precinct.
j.How the development provides or facilitates adequate transport connections across the precinct and/or sub-precinct, including connections to the surrounding road network.
2.An application for a framework plan must be accompanied by a site development and building design guide for Precinct Plan 1 showing:
a.An indicative layout of proposed sites, including the indicated location of buildings.
b.The exact location and design of proposed roads and areas to be developed.
6. Precinct plan
Precinct plan 1: Riverhead South precinct