5.35 Riverhead 1

1. Activity table
The activities in the underlying Light Industry zone and Auckland-wide rules apply in the precinct, unless otherwise specified below. All buildings or accessory buildings for any activity specified in this table have the same status as the activity itself, unless otherwise specified.

 Activity  Activity Status
 Commercial services  Pr
 Dairies  Pr
 Drive-through facilities  Pr
 Entertainment facilities  Pr
 Food and beverage  P
 Garden centres  Pr
 Hire premises  P
 Marine suppliers  Pr
 Offices not otherwise provided for  Pr
 Motor vehicle sales  P
 Retail accessory to an industrial activity on the site, where the goods sold are manufactured on site and the retail sales area does not exceed 25 per cent of the GFA set aside for manufacturing  P
 Retail of heavy machinery and heavy machinery parts  P
 Retail not otherwise provided for  Pr
 Trade suppliers unless otherwise specified in this table  Pr
 Veterinary clinics  Pr
 Visitor accommodation  Pr
 Any activity that requires a trade waste consent  D
 Cleanfill disposal site exceeding 1,000m² of solid measure or 2,500m² of imported material  Pr
 Industrial activities not involving discharges to air categories listed in Appendix  or Appendix  P
 Landfills  Pr
 Storage, renovation and sale of recycled or second-hand buildings  P
 Horticulture  NC
 Pastoral farming  P
 Buildings for any permitted activity where the total GFA within the precinct does not exceed 11,500m²  P
 Buildings for any permitted activity where the total GFA within the precinct exceeds 11,500m²  RD
 Parking areas ancillary to a permitted, restricted discretionary or discretionary activity  P
 Parking areas (non accessory)  P
 Care Centres  D
 Education facilities  Pr
 Funeral directors premises  Pr
 Healthcare services  Pr
 Vulnerable activities unless otherwise specified in this table  Pr
  Subdivision  RD
2. Land use controls
1.The land use controls in the Light Industry zone apply in the Forestry Road Industrial precinct unless otherwise specified below.
2.1 Food and beverage
1. Food and beverage activities are limited to:
a. take-away food bars
b. restaurants or lunch bars with a maximum GFA of 150m²
2. Food and beverage activities must not include drive-through facilities.
2.2 Motor vehicle sales and hire premises
1. Motor vehicle sales and hire premises must only include:
a. the hiring or sale of heavy machinery
b. the hiring or sale of commercial vehicles with a gross laden weight exceeding 4500kg
2. Motor vehicle sales and hire premises that do not comply with these controls are a prohibited activity.
2.3 Industrial activities
1. Industrial activities involving discharges to air categories listed in Appendix, except vehicle wreckers, are a prohibited activity.
2.4 Retail accessory to an industrial activity
1. The retail sales area must not exceed 250m².
2. Retail sales accessory to an industrial activity that do not meet this control are a non-complying activity.
2.5 Care centres
1. Care centre activities are limited to child care centres.
2. Child care centres must be at a scale appropriate to service the needs of people primarily engaged in activities within the industrial area.
3. Care centres that do not comply with these controls are non-complying.
3. Development controls
The development controls in the Light Industry zone apply in the Forestry Road Industrial precinct unless otherwise specified below.
3.1 Height
1. The maximum height of any building is 12m.
3.2 Height in relation to boundary
1. Buildings must not exceed a height equal to 3m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and any site boundary adjoining a residential, rural or open space zone.
3.3 Yards
1. Yards must comply with Table 1 below:
Table 1
 Front  7.5m
 Side  6m along common boundary where the site adjoins a residential, rural or open space zone or reserve
 Rear  6m along common boundary where the site adjoins a residential, rural or open space zone or reserve
3.4 Impervious area and building coverage
1. The total impervious area in the precinct must not exceed 81 per cent.
2. The maximum building coverage on any one site must not exceed 55 per cent.
3. Any activity that does not comply with the control specified in 3.4(a) are a non-complying activity.
4. Any activity that does not comply with the control specified in 3.4(b) are a prohibited activity.
3.5 Landscaping
1.The entire eastern boundary of the property fronting Forestry Road, excepting two vehicle crossings, must be landscaped as follows:
a. Landscaping must be provided and planted, with plants that are capable of achieving a height of 8m within eight years of their planting. Where mounding is used, the plants must be planted at the peak of the mound where possible.
b. Landscaping must have either:
i. an average width of 10m and a minimum width of 4m; or
ii. an average width of 5m where it is planted on the top of a mound that has a peak at least 1m higher than ground level.
2. All internal roads must be landscaped with:
a. A landscape strip with a minimum width of 5m on each side of the road.
b. Tree species capable of reaching a height of 8m.
c. Plantings at an average of one tree for every 10m of road frontage, provided that no trees are more than 15m apart and no closer than 5m.
3.6 Materials
1. Inert building materials must be used, or alternatively, metal surfaces must be treated to achieve 75 per cent total suspended solids removal over a long term average.
3.7 Wastewater
1. Wastewater must be collected, treated and disposed of in accordance with a current Auckland Council discharge consent.
2. The applicant must verify that there is capacity within the current wastewater system to accommodate wastewater flows from any new development on the site and that the connection to the existing wastewater system will comply with all relevant conditions of the relevant Auckland Council discharge consent.
3.8 Discharge of historical timber treatment chemicals
1. Activities within Lot 2 DP 329465 must comply with any relevant resource consent for the discharge of timber treatment chemicals to ground.
3.9 Activity status for materials, wastewater and dDischarge of histroical timber treatment chemicals
1. Any permitted activity that fails to comply the controls specified in 3.6 – 3.8, and is not specified elsewhere in this precinct, is a discretionary activity.
4. Subdivision controls
1. The subdivision controls in the Auckland wide rules – subdivision apply in the Forestry Road Industrial precinct unless otherwise specified below.
a. Subdivision of Lot 2 DP 329465 must comply with any relevant resource consent for the discharge of timber treatment chemicals to ground.
b. Any subdivision that does not comply with these controls will be a discretionary activity.
5. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
Matters of discretion
For activities/development that is a restricted discretionary activity in the precinct, the council will restrict its discretion to the following matters, in addition to the matters specified for the relevant restricted discretionary activities in the Light Industry zone.
2.traffic safety and efficiency
3.wastewater and stormwater collection, treatment and disposal methods and capacities
4.method of ownership and management of land for wastewater and stormwater collection, treatment and discharge, and other associated common facilities.
Assessment criteria
For activities/development that is a restricted discretionary activity in the Forestry Road Industrial precinct, the following assessment criteria apply in addition to the criteria for the relevant restricted discretionary activities in the Light Industry zone.
1. Landscaping
a. Landscaping should be planted in accordance with the development controls in this precinct.
b. Where landscaping is not planted in accordance with the development controls in this precinct, landscaping should:
i. achieve an equivalent or better level of visual amenity; or
ii. achieve a better level of visual integration and enhancement of existing and future activities; or
iii. adequately mitigate the adverse visual effects on properties across Forestry Road and in the locality generally.
2. Traffic
a. The expected traffic generated by the activity should not create adverse effects on the surrounding transport network, particularly at peak times.
b. Adverse effects should be mitigated by upgrades to road and intersection design, but activities likely to generate high volumes of traffic should not be encouraged on local roads.
3. Wastewater and stormwater collection, treatment and disposal methods and capacity
a. Proposed subdivision or development should be adequately serviced by private on-site wastewater and stormwater treatment systems or by community reticulation.
b. Sufficient provision should be made for the long term maintenance and management of the wastewater and stormwater system for all of the proposed sites, including any balance areas.
c. Sufficient land to cater for the wastewater and stormwater collection, treatment and discharge requirements of each site or building and any other associated common facilities should be legally protected.
6. Assessment - Discretionary activities
Assessment criteria
While not limiting the exercise of its discretion, the Council may consider the particular matters specified for the discretionary activities listed below:
1. Existing or proposed wastewater and stormwater infrastructure should be able to adequately remedy or mitigate the effects of the proposed activities.
2. High risk ITAs, listed in clause 4.8.4 Table 3 of the Auckland-wide - Natural resources rules.