5.24 Martins Bay

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the underlying Rural and Coastal Settlement zone and Auckland-wide rules apply in the following precinct unless otherwise specified below. Refer to planning maps for the location and extent of the precinct.
1. Activity table
The activities in the Rural and Coastal Settlement zone apply in the Martins Bay precinct unless otherwise specified in the activity table below.
Activity  Activity status
Replacement of existing dwellings and accessory buildings to the same footprint and height as at 1 September 2006  P
Existing vehicle access arrangements for up to 58 dwellings as at 1 September 2006  P
Conversion of a dwelling into a maximum of two dwellings
Subdivision of the Martins Bay precinct from remainder of the site  RD
2. Land use controls
1.The land use controls in the Rural and Coastal Settlement zone apply in the Martins Bay precinct unless otherwise specified below.
2.1 Density
1. The number of dwellings in the precinct must not exceed 58.
2. Development that does not comply with clause 1 above is a non-complying activity.
3. Development controls
1.The development controls in the Rural and Coastal Settlement zone apply in the Martins Bay precinct unless otherwise specified below.
3.1 Building coverage
1. A dwelling footprint must not exceed:
a. 168m² for single storey
b. 140m² for two storeys.
2. Decks must not exceed 25m² plus an area equivalent to the difference between the maximum dwelling footprint in clause 1 above and the footprint of the relevant dwelling.
3. Buildings or decks must not locate within the communal open space or future esplanade reserve shown in Precinct Plan 1.
3.2 Open space
1. A minimum of 5000m² of communal open space must be maintained adjoining the future esplanade reserve as shown on Precinct Plan 1.
3.3 Yards
1. Buildings must not locate within 6m of the future esplanade reserve shown on Precinct Plan 1.
3.4 Reticulated connection
1. Dwellings must be connected to Martins Bay 1999 Ltd private sewerage reticulation and water supply.
4. Subdivision controls
The subdivision controls in the Auckland-wide rules – Subdivision apply in the Martins Bay precinct unless otherwise specified below.
1. An esplanade reserve as indicated by the future esplanade reserve area in Precinct Plan 1 must be provided when subdivision of the Martins Bay precinct from the remainder of the site occurs.
5. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
Matters of discretion
For activities/development that is a restricted discretionary activity in the Martins Bay precinct, the council will restrict its discretion to the following matters, in addition to the matters specified for the relevant restricted discretionary activities in the Rural and Coastal Settlement zone and the Auckland-wide rules – Subdivision.
1. Location, design, scale and appearance of buildings.
2. Landscaping and screening.
3. Earthworks and land modification.
4. Land suitability for building.
5. That the existing access is maintained to the bach settlement.
6.Methods and design of water supply, sewage disposal and drainage.
7. Provision of an esplanade reserve.
Assessment criteria
For activities/development that is a restricted discretionary activity in the Martins Bay precinct, the following assessment criteria apply in addition to the criteria specified for the relevant restricted discretionary activities in the Rural and Coastal Settlement zone and the Auckland-wide rules – Subdivision.
1. The proposed overall development, location and design of buildings and provision of open space should be in general accordance with maintaining the future esplanade reserve and communal open space on Precinct Plan 1.
2. Buildings and structures should be sited so they do not require extensive landform modification to minimise adverse effects on natural landform and discharges of silt.
3. Appropriate methods should be proposed to avoid adverse effects on land stability, water quality, and the habitats of flora and fauna.
4. Development should be in scale with development on site existing at 1 September 2006.
5. Development should retain the informal character of the existing coastal village by:
a. not requiring individual sealed driveways or car parking areas
b. avoiding kerb and channelling.
6. Precinct plan
Precinct plan 1: Martins Bay precinct