5.18 Huapai North

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the underlying Single House, Large Lot and Rural Production zones and Auckland-wide rules apply in the following precinct and sub-precinct except as specified below. 
1. Activity table
1. The activities in the underlying zone apply in the Huapai North precinct except as specified in the activity table below. The activities in the underlying Rural Production zone apply in sub-precinct D without change.

Activity Activity status
  Sub-precinct A Sub-precinct B Sub-precinct C
Two or more dwellings on a site  NC  NC  NC
Framework plan
A framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan in Areas 1-4 of sub-precincts A and B complying with clause 3.1 below  RD  RD  NA
A framework plan, amendments to an approved framework plan or a replacement framework plan in Areas 1-4 of sub-precincts A and B not complying with clause 3.1 below  NC  NC  NC
Any buildings or development in framework plan areas 1-4 of sub-precincts A and B complying with an approved framework plan  RD  RD  NA
Any buildings or development in framework plan areas 1-4 of sub-precincts A and B not complying with an approved framework plan  NC  NC  NA
Development within the stormwater hazard area identified in precinct plan 3  NA  D  NA
Subdivision not connected to a public reticulated waste water system  Pr  Pr  Pr
Subdivision outside Areas 1-4 of sub-precincts A and B  RD  RD  RD
Subdivision within Areas 1-4 of sub-precincts A and B complying with an approved framework plan  RD  RD  NA
Subdivision not complying with the controls in clauses 3.1 and 5.2 below  D  NC  Pr
2. Notification
1. Restricted discretionary resource consent applications for framework plans, and amendments to framework plans, will be considered without the need for public notification. However, limited notification may be undertaken, including notice being given to any land owner within the sub-precinct who has not provided written approval to the application.
3. Land use controls
3.1 Framework plan
1. A resource consent application for a framework plan amendments to a framework plan or a replacement framework plan must:
a. be prepared for an entire framework plan area identified in precinct plan 2
b. be consistent with precinct plans 1 and 2
c. comply with:
i. the general rules and information requirements applying to framework plans specified in clause 2.6 and 2.7.3 of the general provisions
ii.the special information requirements for framework plans specified in clause 7 below
d.Seek consent for the following land uses and subdivisions:
i. earthworks associated with the development
ii. the design and location roads
iii. the design and location of pedestrian and cycle networks
iv. stormwater management devices
v. subdivision layout and site sizes.
4. Development controls
4.1 Building height
1. Buildings must not exceed the height limits set out below:

Table 1
Sub-precinct Maximum height
A 9m
A, B and C 9m plus an additional 2m of non-habitable roof space where the roof pitch is 20% or greater
4.2 Building height in relation to boundary
1.Buildings must comply with the height in relation to boundary specified below.

Table 2
Sub-precinct Building height in relation to boundary
A 3m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and boundary of the site on which the building is to be located
5m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and the side boundary of the site where within 14m of the front boundary
B 3m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and any boundary of the site on which the building is to be located
B - applies to any sites identified for increased density in a framework plan 5m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and the side boundary of the site where the side boundary is within 14m of the front boundary
C 3m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and any boundary of the site on which the building is to be located
4.3 Building bulk in relation to boundary
1.Any part of a building greater than 3.5m in height and 4m or less from a side or rear boundary must be confined within a 150 degree arc formed by two lines intersecting at a common point on the site boundary.
4.4 Maximum impervious area and building coverage
1.The maximum impervious area and maximum building coverage are specified below.

Table 3
Sub-precinct Maximum impervious area (net site area)
 Maximum building Coverage (net site area)
A 60%   50%
B 50%   35%
A/B - applies to any sites identified for increased density in a framework plan 60%  50%
C 50%  35%
4.5 Landscape coverage
1.Each site must have a minimum landscaped area as specified below.

Table 4
Sub-precinct Minimum landscaped area
40 per cent of net site area
50 per cent of net site area
A / B - applies to any sites identified for increased density in a Framework Plan
40 per cent of net site area
50 per cent of net site area
4.6 Yards
Table 5
Sub-precinct Yard / minimum depth
A 3m front yard
B 5m front yard
B - applies to any sites identified for increased density in a Framework Plan 3m front yard
C 5m front yard
A, B and C 1m and 3m side yards respectively
6m rear yard
3m rear site front/side/rear yards
6m rear site yards adjoining open space
23m coastal protection yard, or as otherwise specified in appendix 6.7
4.7 Dwellings fronting the street
1. A dwelling on a site with frontage to a road must be orientated to the front boundary of the site to address the road so that the front elevation of the dwelling and the front entrance face the front boundary of the site.
4.8 Garages
1. A garage on a site with frontage to a road must:
a. be set back a minimum of 5.5m from the front boundary
b. be set back 2m from the front wall of the dwelling
c. occupy a maximum of 35 per cent of the active building frontage or 7m, whichever is the greater. For the purpose of this rule, active building frontage is the front façade of a dwelling including any attached or detached garage that faces the street but excludes any vertical faces located more than 3m to the rear of the garage door and any roof.
2. Outdoor living space must comply with the limits specified below:
a. Provided at the rear or side of each dwelling sufficient to accommodate a minimum area of 80m2 provided that no dimension is less than 4m and no single area is less than 40m2.
b. Provided at the front of a dwelling on north facing sites, which have a long axis within 30 degrees west or east of north are permitted to have an outdoor living space at the front of the dwelling. An outdoor living space at the front of the dwelling must not be obstructed by driveways, vehicle manoeuvring and parking areas.
5. Subdivision controls
1. The subdivision controls are those in the Auckland-wide subdivision rules except as specified below.
5.1 Framework plan
1. Subdivision in framework plan areas 1 to 4 of sub-precincts A and B identified in precinct plan 2 must be in accordance with:
a. A framework plan submitted and approved with the application, or
b. An approved framework plan.
2. Subdivision that does not comply with this control is a non-complying activity.
5.2 Site size and shape factor
1.Net site area must be within the range in the table below and comply with the shape factors specified. The controls are for vacant sites unless otherwise specified.

Table 6
Sub-precinct Net site area Site shape factor
 A 450-600m Capable of containing a square for building purposes measuring 10m x 15m
B 600-900m2 with an average of not less than 700m2 Capable of containing a square for building purposes measuring 15m x 15m
B  (sites created through a framework plan) A maximum of 15% of the land in any Framework area (i.e. area 1-4) may have sites between 450-600m2

Sites must adjoin or be located adjacent to existing or proposed public open space (excluding roads)

The averaging of at least 700m2 does not apply to this rule
Capable of containing a square for building purposes measuring 10m x 15m
C A minimum of 1,500m2 or greater Capable of containing a square for building purposes measuring 15m x 15m
B and C
Net site area on land outside of a framework plan may be varied by up to 15% as a restricted discretionary activity Capable of containing a square for building purposes measuring 15m x 15m
A, B and C
Where a site straddles a sub precinct boundary, either net site size for the sub-precinct set out above may be used
Where a site straddles a sub precinct, either site shape factor for the sub-precinct set out above may be used
C and D
Where a site straddles sub-precinct boundary C and D, sub-precinct C net site area is used
Capable of containing a square for building purposes measuring 15m x 15m located entirely within sub-precinct C
D Refer to underlying zone
Refer to underlying zone
5.3 Road network
1. The primary road network must be constructed and laid out in accordance with precinct plan 1 to the satisfaction of the council.
2. A connected secondary road network (not shown on precinct plan 1) must be constructed in preference to the use of cul-de-sacs and rights of way.
3. The road network must only contain a cul-de-sac where there is no other option for providing access to a site and the cul-de-sac is less than 120m.
4. Where an indicative road shown on precinct plan 1 traverses land that is the subject of an application for resource consent, the subdivider must form the road over the land in accordance with the lines indicated on the maps to the extent required to serve land within the subdivision, and vest the formed road in the council.
5. The location of any road may vary from the alignment of the indicative road shown on the road layout plan in precinct plan 2 by a maximum of 20 metres, except that:
a. The point or points at which the indicative road links in with any existing road, or any other indicative road must not be varied
b. The alignment of the road at the point where any indicative road intersects with a site boundary must not be varied
c. The alignment of roads labelled 'alignment not to be varied' must not be varied
d. The alignment of the indicative road between Tapu Road and Matua Road labelled 'indicative road – no dwellings to be located between the waterway and greenway road'.
6. The profile of the formed indicative road at the point where it meets a site boundary must be such that the road can be formed over any adjoining site at a gradient which would meet the council’s standards for engineering design and construction.
7. Apart from indicative roads labelled 'alignment not to be varied' any application for subdivision that does not comply with the above controls is a restricted discretionary activity.
8. Any application relating to roads labelled 'alignment not to be varied' that are proposed to be varied by more than 7m and does not comply with (a)-(c) above and an 'indicative road – no dwellings to be located between the Waterway and Greenway Road' that does not comply with (d) is a non-complying activity.
9. The road network in the precinct must be generally in accordance with the road cross sections attached to the urban design guidelines in appendix 11.5.3.
5.4 Public open space
1. Public open space must be:
a.provided in the location shown in precinct plan 1 unless the council (Stormwater and Parks Departments) agree otherwise in writing
b.bounded by public streets for 75 per cent of its perimeter excluding any coastal or riparian frontage
c.developed to the satisfaction of the council.
5.5 Street trees
1. Street trees must:
a.be planted in the road berm outside each site or at 17m intervals, whichever is less
b.include species appropriate for the soils, microclimate and the street environment. The species must be coordinated along an individual street and must be capable of reaching a minimum height of 4m after five years
c.be grade Pb150 or greater and have a minimum in-ground height of 2m at the time of planting
d.be healthy, planted and maintained in accordance with good horticultural practice.
5.6 Access
1. A jointly owned access site or shared access way must not serve more than two sites.
5.7 Site frontage
1. Site frontage must be within the limits set out below:

Table 7
Sub-precinct Site frontage
A 11-23m
B 17-23m
B - applies to any sites identified for increased density in a framework plan 11-23m
C 17-23m
A, B and C Corner sites are only required to comply with only one frontage. Where the corner site is chamfered for road design, the frontage must be measured as if there were no chamfer.
6m minimum for a shared access servicing no more than two sites
6. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
6.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the activities listed as restricted discretionary in the precinct activity table in addition to the matters specified for the activity in the relevant underlying zone and the Auckland-wide rules - subdivision.
1. Restricted discretionary activities in the underlying zone
a.consistency with any framework plan and precinct plan 1
b.the design and location of any roads or reserves shown in precinct plan 1
c.landscape character and amenity
d. The Huapai North urban design guidelines in appendix 11.5.3.
2. Framework plans
a.consistency with precinct plan 1 and the Huapai North urban design guidelines in Appendix 11.5.3
b.the policies for the Huapai North precinct
c.the design and layout of neighbourhoods, blocks and roads
d.site design
e.site suitability
f.cultural and natural features
g.public open space
h.infrastructure and servicing
i.the written approval of, or evidence of consultation with, all landowners within the precinct must be provided when a framework plan is being assessed initially or any changes to a framework plan is being assessed.
3. Subdivision
a.consistency with any framework plan, precinct plan 1 and the Huapai North urban design guidelines in appendix 11.5.3.
b.compliance with minimum site size requirements
c.road layout
d.site design
e.public open space
f.amenity planting
g.the written approval of, or evidence of consultation with, all landowners within the precinct shall be provided when a framework plan is being assessed initially or any changes to a framework plan are being assessed.
6.2 Assessment criteria
The council will consider the assessment criteria below for the activities listed as restricted discretionary in the precinct activity table in addition to the assessment criteria specified for the activity in the underlying zone and the Auckland-wide rules - subdivision.
1. Restricted discretionary activities in the underlying zone
a. The extent to which an activity complies with the any framework plan.
b. The location of any buildings on a site that does not comply with clause 5.7 should be contained within a building platform identified on a framework plan.
c. The design of any roads, vehicle accessways, pedestrian walkways and open space areas should be consistent with any framework plan and precinct plan 1.
d. The character and amenity of the landscape should be enhanced in general accordance with the Huapai North urban design guidelines.
e. The height, scale, massing and form of buildings should be generally consistent with the Huapai North urban design guidelines.
2. Framework plans
a. A framework plan should implement precinct plan 1 and should be consistent with the guidelines in the Huapai North urban design guidelines.
b. The design and layout of neighbourhoods, blocks and roads should achieve the following outcomes:
i.Sites between 450m-600m² in framework plan areas 1-4 should be located around areas of proposed or existing reserve, greenways, community facilities or retail areas.
ii.The road layout should be consistent with Precinct Plan 1.
iii.The street network should be permeable, legible, well connected to nearby existing or proposed roads and avoid the construction of cul-de-sacs and private shared access ways.
iv.The street pattern should be designed to integrate the natural landform and topography where practicable.
v.Landscaping should be appropriate to the context of Huapai and Kumeu settlements and create a cohesive street theme.
vi.The design of the subdivision should encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport.
c. Any sites in framework plan areas 1-4 should have sufficient street frontage to allow dwellings to face the street.
d. Any non-residential activities should be compatible with the rural residential character of the Huapai North area.
e. Significant natural and heritage features should be retained and incorporated into new development.
f. The amount of earthworks required to implement the framework plan should be minimised.
g. Subdivision and development should protect the quality of permanent watercourses and their ability to support riparian or in-stream vegetation and fauna.
h. Public open spaces should be in provided in accordance with precinct plan 1.
i. Infrastructure and services should manage stormwater flows in accordance with the Kumeu-Kaipara catchment management plan.
3. Subdivision
a. The design of the subdivision, layout of any roads, vehicle accessways and pedestrian walkways should be consistent with any approved framework plan.
b. Site size and design should be consistent with the minimum requirements specified in this precinct.
c. Public open space should be provided in accordance with precinct plan 1.
d. Pedestrian, cycle and bridle paths should provide public access to rivers.
e. Amenity planting should be in accordance with the Huapai North urban design guidelines and any approved framework plan.
f. The design and location of any buildings platforms should be consistent with the Huapai North urban design guidelines.
7. Special information requirements
1.Any application for a framework plan in Framework plan areas 1 - 4 of sub-precincts A and B in precinct plan 2 must show  the following information.
a.Existing site boundaries, permanent streams, protected trees, significant vegetation and any other noteworthy natural features.
b.Proposed roads, pedestrian, cycle and bridle path networks, including any proposed shared access ways, rights-of-way or lanes.
c.Proposed typical road cross-sections, including the width of roads and the typical design of street furniture, paving and street lighting.
d.Proposed stormwater disposal, including any major overland flow path, stormwater treatment areas and integration with public areas where appropriate.
e.Proposed infrastructure and servicing.
f.Proposed open space.
g.Proposed earthworks, demonstrating how the finished works will avoid significant land modification to protect permanent streams and natural contours, and to manage stormwater runoff.
h.Proposed landscaping including species, size, distribution and the location of planting on roads, reserves and around ponds.
i.Proposed distribution of site sizes.
j.Proposed sites for non-residential activities where these are known.
k.Proposed staging of development.
l.Proposed integration with land beyond the framework plan area, including the road networks, stormwater infrastructure and open space corridors.
m.Compliance, so far as it can be known at this stage, with any subdivision controls.
8. Precinct plans
Precinct plan 1: Huapai North precinct
Precinct plan 2: Huapai North precinct framework plan areas
Precinct plan 3: Huapai North precinct stormwater hazard area