7 Natural resources

7.1 Air Quality – Transport Corridor Separation

1. Activity table

The following table specifies the activity status of activities in the Air Quality – Transport Corridor Separation overlay.

Activity Activity status
Care centres with more than three children under the age of six

2. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
2.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the activities listed as restricted discretionary in the activity table:
1. Care centre with more than three children under the age of six:
a. air quality effects on children attending the facility
b. location of care centre and site layout
c. methods to avoid remedy and mitigate air quality effects.
2.2 Assessment criteria

The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria below for the restricted discretionary activities listed above.

1. Care centres with more than three children under the age of six 
a.How adverse health effects on children attending the facility will be avoided.
b.The location and design of the activity and buildings comply with clause 1(a) above.
c.There is adequate separation from the roadway to any outdoor play areas to comply with clause 1(a) above.
d.Air discharges from motor vehicles on the arterial route have been assessed using best practice methods, such as modelling and monitoring, appropriate to the scale of the discharge and any potential adverse effects.
e.The method proposed to avoid adverse health effects on the children does not have a practicable alternative that causes fewer health effects.