20 Special Purpose - Quarry zone

1. Activity table

The following table specifies the activity status of activities in the quarry zone.

All buildings accessory to any activity specified in the table have the same status as the activity itself unless otherwise specified in the table.

Activity Activity status
Farming P
Conservation planting  P
Rural commercial services D
Rural industries D
On-site primary produce manufacturing P
Mineral extraction activities C
Processing and recycling mineral material, construction waste and demolition waste P
Industrial activities that utilise the extracted minerals as the principal raw material D
Demolition of buildings P

2. Land use controls

Development that does not comply with clauses 2.1-2.3 below is a discretionary activity. 
2.1 Noise (mineral extraction activities)
1.Noise from mineral extraction must not exceed the following sound levels at a notional boundary from any occupied dwelling that existed at 1 January 2001 outside the Quarry zone:

Table 1
7am-10pm, Monday to Saturday LAeq(15 min) 55dB
All other times and on public holidays LAeq(15 min) 45dB
LAFmax 75dB

2.Noise created from the use of explosives must not exceed a peak overall sound pressure of 128dB Lzpeak.
2.2 Vibration and blasting (mineral extraction activities)
1. The measurement of blast noise (air blast) and ground vibration for blasting must be:
a. measured at a notional boundary from a dwelling that existed at 1 January 2001
2. All blasting is restricted to:
a. 9am-5pm, Monday to Saturday
b. an average of two occasions over a calendar fortnight
c. except where necessary because of safety reasons.
3. Blasting activities must be controlled to ensure any resulting ground vibration does not exceed the limits set out in Table 1 German standard DIN 4150-3 1999: Structural vibration – Part 3 Effects of vibration on structures when measured on the foundation or the horizontal plane of the highest floor of an affected building.
4. A siren must be used prior to blasting to alert people in the vicinity.
2.3 Light spill and glare (mineral extraction activities)
1. Artificial light must not result in added illuminance in excess of 10 lux measured at the window of a dwelling located outside the Quarry zone.

3. Development controls

3.1 Building height
1. Buildings must not exceed 24m in height.
3.2 Maximum building coverage
1.Maximum building coverage: 30 per cent.
3.3 Yards
1.Where the quarry zone is located inside the RUB.

Table 2
Yard Dimension
Front 7.5m
Rear 5m
Side 5m
Riparian 10m from the edge of a river where a boundary adjoins a river whose bed has an average width of 3m or more

2.Where the quarry zone is located outside the RUB

Table 3
Yard Dimension
Front 12m (administration building or weigh bridge)
30m (all other buildings)
Rear 5m
Side 5m

4. Assessment - Controlled activities

4.1 Matters of control
The council will reserve its control to the matters below for the activities listed as controlled in the activity table.
1.Mineral extraction activities
a.traffic and access
b.visual amenity
c.site rehabilitation.

Note: Refer to the the Auckland-wide Earthworks rules for other matters relevant to the assessment of mineral extraction activities.

4.2 Assessment criteria

The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria below for the controlled activities listed above.

1.Mineral extraction activities
a.Traffic and access
i.The expected traffic generated by the activity should not adversely affect safe and efficient functioning of the surrounding road network.
ii.Entry and exit points to the site should be designed to suitably accommodate all traffic movements, and in doing so, avoid, remedy or mitigate disruption to traffic flows on the adjoining road network.
b.Visual amenity
i.Quarries in close proximity to residential zones should mitigate any adverse visual amenity effects through the use of screening and landscaping.
ii.Any buildings associated with the quarry should be designed so that they are removeable on completion of the quarrying activity.
c.Site rehabilitation
i.The applicant should provide details of how the site will be rehabilitated after quarrying activities cease.

5. Special information requirements

1. A resource consent application for a new quarry must be accompanied by a quarry management plan. The quarry management plan must contain the information specified in section 2.7 of the general provisions.