11 Coastal - Defence zone

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone apply to the CMA in the Defence zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions.

Those activities in the CMA marked with * apply when the activity is on a CMA structure.

1. Activity table

Activity  Activity status
Works in the CMA (RMA s. 12 (1)
Maintenance dredging  RD
Capital works dredging
Taking, use and damming or diverting coastal water (RMA s. 14)
Taking, use, damming, diversion and discharge of seawater and contaminants from the operation of the Calliope Dry Dock  P
Use and activities (s. 12(3) RMA) and associated occupation of the common marine and coastal area (s. 12(2))
Workers accommodation  P
Marine industry
Aquaculture activities (including any activities under RMA s.12(1), s. 12(2), s. 12(3) and s.15)
Clubrooms  NC
Public amenities  P*
Any other activity not specified as a permitted, restricted discretionary, discretionary or prohibited activity  NC
Structures (construction in the CMA and occupation of the CMCA) (RMA s. 12 (1) and (2))
Marine and port facilities  P*
Marine and port facilities except as specified as a permitted activity  RD
Marine and port facilities for the refuelling of vessels.  P
Marine and port ancillary structures and services
Excluding new pile moorings
Pile moorings existing at the date of plan notification including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  P
CMA structures or buildings used for port activities  P*
CMA structures or buildings not listed as a permitted activity  RD
Wave attenuation devices  RD
Observation areas, viewing platforms, boardwalks and boat launching facilities
New pile moorings established after the date of plan notification including occupation and use by vessel to be moored  RD
Pile moorings existing at the date of plan notification including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  P

2. Land and water use controls

2.1 General
1. Noise
a. The LAeq (15 min) noise level and maximum noise level (LAFmax) arising from any activity within the Defence zone when measured at or within the boundary of any property in the residential zones must not exceed the following limits:
2. The noise limits above do not apply to:
a. the operational requirements of vessels (including cargo vessels, tugs, passenger liners, naval vessels and commercial fishing vessels)

Table 1:

Monday to Saturday


LAeq(15 min) 55dB

Sundays 9am-8pm

LAeq(15 min) 50dB

All other times

LAeq(15 min) 45dB

LAFmax 75dB

b. temporary activities (refer to Auckland-wide General Temporary activities rules)
2.2 Use and activities and associated occupation of the common marine and coastal area
1. Port activities
a. For vessel construction in the Devonport area of the Defence zone, but not the Calliope Dry Dock, in addition to the General Coastal Marine zone controls:
i. the activity does not involve the use of wet and dry grit blasting or water blasting, including the use of detergents or chemicals for the purpose of paint stripping
ii. any water blasting using low pressure washing systems must not exceed 1000 psi (6900 kPa), or any high volume wash down must not exceed 100 psi (690 kPa).
2.3 Taking, use, damming and diversion of coastal water
1. Taking, use, damming and diversion of seawater and contaminants for the operation of the Calliope Dry Dock:
a. as far as practicable, all contaminants or waste material from the cleaning and maintenance of ships must be swept up and removed from the dock prior to the dock being flooded and the gates being opened to refloat ships
b. any existing collection or treatment facilities for liquids must be maintained in good working order and used to the fullest extent practicable when the dock is in operation.

3. Development controls

3.1 Structures
1. Height
a. The maximum height of the building or structure must be no more than 10m above mean sea level.

4. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities

4.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the restricted discretionary activities listed in the activity table and for land and water use or development control infringements.
1. All activities
a. construction or works methods, timing and hours of operation
b. location, extent, design and materials used
c. effects on coastal processes, ecological values, water quality and natural character
d. effects on public access, navigation and safety
e. effects on existing uses and activities
f. consent duration and monitoring.
4.2 Assessment criteria
1.The council will consider the assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone rules for restricted discretionary activities.