10 Coastal - Ferry Terminal zone

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone apply to the CMA in the Ferry Terminal zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions.

1. Activity table

The controls for the General Coastal Marine zone apply unless otherwise specified in the following table.

Those activities in the CMA marked with * apply when the activity is on a CMA structure.

Activity  Status
Works in the CMA (RMA s. 12 (1))
Reclamation  D
Maintenance dredging  RD
Capital works dredging
General activities (RMA s. 12 (3))
Maritime passenger operations established after the date of plan notification
Aquaculture activities (including any activities under RMA s.12(1), s. 12(2), s. 12(3) and s.15)
Public amenities  P
Food and beverage other than at Devonport Wharf - maximum of 100m2 GFA  P
Food and beverage at Devonport Wharf  P
Offices that are accessory to marine and port activities, maritime passenger operations, and marinas - maximum of 100m2 GFA  P
Offices at Devonport Wharf that are not otherwise a permitted activity and not at ground floor level  P
Retail other than at Devonport Wharf  D
Retail at Devonport Wharf  P
Clubrooms for marine-related clubs  NC
Structures (construction in the CMA and occupation of the CMCA) (RMA s. 12 (1) and (2))
CMA structures or buildings not listed as a permitted activity  RD*
Marine and port facilities  RD
Marine and port ancillary structures and services
Excluding new pile moorings
Wave attenuation devices  RD
Observation areas, viewing platforms, boardwalks and boat launching facilities
Pile moorings existing at the date of plan notification including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  P
New pile moorings established after the date of plan notification including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  RD
Maimai  NC

2. Development controls for CMA structures and buildings

2.1 General controls
1. Structures and works must meet the development controls in the General Coastal Marine zone rules. 
2.2 Building height
1. Buildings must not exceed the height specified for the zone in the table below:

 Table 1:
Location Maximum height
Devonport, Matiatia  and Birkenhead wharves 9m above wharf deck level
Other ferry terminals 5m above wharf deck level
2.3 Ceiling height
1. At Devonport wharf, the average floor to ceiling height above wharf deck level must not be less than 4m with a minimum height of 3m.
2.4 Marine and port ancillary structures and services
1. Pontoons must be no more than 30m long.
2.5 Yards and open space protection
1. No part of any building or structure may be constructed in the open space between Devonport and Victoria wharves and Marine Square.
2. Any structures on Victoria Wharf must maintain a 7m-wide vehicle accessway and a 3m-wide pedestrian accessway.
3. At Devonport Wharf, no less than 30 per cent of the building floor area at wharf level must be freely available for public use and access. This public use area must include an indoor passenger waiting area adjacent to the ferry berth.

3. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities

3.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the restricted discretionary activities listed in the activity table and for land and water use or development control infringements.
1. All activities
a. construction or works methods, timing and hours of operation
b. location, extent, design and materials used
c. effects on coastal processes, ecological values, water quality and natural character
d. effects on public access, navigation and safety
e. effects on existing uses and activities
f. consent duration and monitoring.
3.2 Assessment criteria
The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone rules in addition to the matters below.
1. General:
a.any adverse effects on the operation of the ferry terminal facility.
2. Effects on views and visual amenity:
a.the quality of building design should acknowledge the high visibility of ferry terminals from surrounding areas and the functional and operational requirements of marine and port activities.
b.buildings should have interactive frontages where they face public streets and public access ways to enable public experience of activities within the buildings.
c.the height of the building should not adversely affect the natural character, landscape and visual amenity of the area, taking into account the:
i. visual dominance of the building in terms of views from adjoining areas including the CMA
ii. interface and amenity of adjacent zones, particularly residential
iii. scale and location of the proposed building in relation to any nearby industrial plant and buildings
iv. the type, including colour, of exterior materials used for construction
v. any lighting proposed on the building
vi. any signs proposed to be attached to or painted on proposed building.
d.the height of the building should not contribute to any adverse cumulative effects of development in the area, taking into account:
i. visual amenity of the area
ii. scale and intensity of existing development
iii. character of the zone.
3.Food and beverage and offices that do not meet the GFA control for the permitted activity
a.the proposal should show how it will avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on the transport network.
b.measures should be taken to address reverse sensitivity effects on the surrounding Ferry Terminal zone activities.
c.the proposed use should be complementary to the primary use of the site for ferry terminal purposes.
d.the proposal should show how it will avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on the amenity of the locality arising from use of the facility, including noise and hours of operation.

4. Special information requirements

1. Design statement
A design statement is required for the activities specified in the table below. The design statement is required to include as a minimum the matters indicated within the table as set out in clause 2.7.2 of the general provisions. Drawings, illustrations and supporting written explanation should be proportionate to the complexity and significance of the development proposal. Refer to the ADM for guidance on the preparation of design statements.
Table 2:

 New buildings over 200m2 in the CMA
 1. Site analysis
 a.  Existing site plan X
 b.  Streetscape character
 2. Neighbourhood analysis
 a.  Natural and cultural environment X
 b.  Movement X
 c.  Neighbourhood character X
 d.  Use and activity X
 e.  Urban structure  
 3. Opportunities and constraints analysis
 a.  Opportunities and constraints diagram X
 a.  Concept design X
 b.  Proposed site plan X
 c.  Proposed elevations X
 d.  Shadow diagrams
 e.  Landscape
 f.  Streets, accessways & lanes
 g.  Urban structure
 h.  Publicly accessible open space