9 Coastal - Minor Port zone

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone apply to the CMA in the Minor Port zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions.

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the Light Industry zone apply to the land in the Minor Port zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions.

1. Activity table

Those activities in the CMA marked with * apply when the activity is on a CMA structure.

Activity CMA [rcp]
Land [dp]
Works in the CMA (RMA s. 12(1))
Declamation  RD RD
Maintenance dredging
Capital works dredging
Use and activities (RMA s. 9 and 12 (3)) and associated occupation of the common marine and coastal area (s. 12(2))
Marine and port activities, including the landing and taking off of helicopters associated with the loading and unloading of cargo  P P
Workers' accommodation  P P
Aquaculture activities (including any activities under RMA s.12(1), s. 12(2), s. 12(3) and s.15)
Industrial activities accessory to marine and port activities  P P
Public amenities  P P
Food and beverage – maximum of 100m2 GFA  NA RD
Offices not accessory to marine and port activities  D D
Maritime passenger operations
 P P
Marine retail where the goods sold are manufactured on site  NA RD
Clubrooms for marine-related clubs  NC NC
Artificial lighting  P* P
Car parking accessory to permitted activities  P* P
 Residential, Commerce, Community and Industry Activities not listed as a permitted, restricted discretionary, discretionary or prohibited activity.

Note: For activities not listed above within the CMA – refer General Coastal Marine zone.
Helicopter facilities (including the landing and taking off of helicopters and associated fuelling and service facilities), except as specified above  D D
Structures (construction in the CMA (RMA s. 12(1)), occupation of the CMCA (s. 12(2)) and their use (s. 12(3)))
Maintenance, repair or reconstruction of existing lawful structures or buildings.  P P
Extension or alteration of existing lawful structures or buildings  RD RD
New buildings used for marine and port activities and external alterations or additions to structures or buildings  P* P
Marine and port facilities  P P
Marine and port ancillary structures and services
Excluding new pile moorings
 P P
Demolition of buildings or structures
 P P
Maritime passenger facilities  P P
Wave attenuation devices  RD RD
CMA structures or buildings not listed a permitted or restricted discretionary activity  D
Observation areas, viewing platforms, boardwalks and boat launching facilities
 P P
Pile moorings existing at the date of plan notification including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  P NA
New pile moorings established after the date of plan notification including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  RD NA
Maimai  NC NC
Structures or buildings not listed as a permitted or restricted discretionary activity  D D

2. Development controls

In addition to the general controls for the General Coastal Marine zone, the following controls apply:

2.1 Building height
Buildings must not exceed the height specified for the zone in the table below:

Table 1


On Land

Within CMA

Onehunga Port


18m above mean sea level

Gabador Place


8m above mean sea level

Chelsea Sugar Refinery

Refer relevant business zone

10m above mean sea level

LPG Terminal

Refer relevant business zone

10m above mean sea level

1. Up to an additional 10m in height will be considered as a restricted discretionary activity at the Port of Onehunga. Up to an additional 5m in height will be considered as a restricted discretionary activity in all other areas.
2.2 Maximum impervious area
1. Maximum impervious area: 80 per cent.
2. Where the maximum impervious area is exceeded refer to Auckland-wide – Stormwater management rules.
2.3 Yards
Front yard – 2m minimum. Yards are not required for internal roads or service lanes
Rear and side yard - 5m where a rear boundary adjoins a Residential or Open Space zone or a reserve vested in the council
2.4 Storage and screening
1. Any outdoor storage or rubbish collection areas that directly face and are visible from a residential or open space zone must be screened from those areas by a solid wall or fence at least 1.8m high.
2.5 Workers' accommodation
1. No more than one workers' accommodation dwelling at each of Gabador Place and Port of Onehunga.
2.6 Works within the CMA
1. The controls in the General Coastal Marine zone apply to a building or structure in the CMA unless otherwise specified above.
2.7 Noise on land and within the CMA
1. The LAeq(15 min) noise level and maximum noise level (LAFmax) arising from any activity within the Minor Port zones at Onehunga Wharf and Gabador Place when measured at or within the boundary of any adjoining site must not exceed:
a. 7am-11pm LAeq(15 min) 70dB
b. 11pm-7am LAeq(15 min) 60dB
c. LAF max 85dB
2. The noise limits above do not apply to:
a. the operational requirements of vessels (including cargo vessels, tugs, passenger liners, naval vessels and commercial fishing vessels) 
b.temporary activities (refer to Auckland-wide General Temporary Activities rules)
2.8 Lighting
1. Maximum Artificial Lighting Illuminance - 150 lux, measured at any point on the site containing the light source, in a horizontal or vertical plane at ground level.

3. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities

3.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the restricted discretionary activities listed in the activity table and for land and water use or development control infringements.
1. All activities
a. construction or works methods, timing and hours of operation
b. location, extent, design and materials
c. effects on coastal processes, ecological values, water quality and natural character
d. effects on public access, navigation and safety
e. effects on existing uses and activities
f. effects on Mana Whenua values
g.consent duration and monitoring.
2. Food and beverage – maximum of 100m2 GFA; Marine retail where the goods sold are manufactured on site
a. timing and hours of operation
b.effects on public access, navigation and safety
c. effects on existing uses and activities
d. consent duration and monitoring
e. effects on traffic and parking.
3.CMA structures and buildings
a.effects on views and visual amenity
3.2 Assessment criteria
The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone rules in addition to the matters below.
1. Effects on traffic and parking
a.Refer to Auckland-wide rules - Transport assessment criteria.
b.The proposal, including any additional vehicle movements, should not adversely affect the safe and efficient operation of the internal or adjacent road network, including the operation of public transport and the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and general traffic.
c.Parking should be adequate for the site and the proposal, and consider effects on alternative parking available in the area and access to the rapid and frequent service network.
2. Food and beverage, retail
a.Measures should be taken to address reverse sensitivity effects on the surrounding Minor Port zone activities.
b.The activity should be complementary to, and not limit the primary use of the site for marine and port activities.
c.Adequate provision should be made for activities with a functional requirement for a coastal location.
d.The foreseeable future demand for space for activities with a functional requirement for a coastal location should be provided for without requiring further reclamation as a result of other activities being located within the zone.
e.Measures should be taken to enhance public access to the CMA where practicable and does not conflict with the requirements of marine and port activities.
f.Design should reflect the high visibility and coastal nature of the site.
g.The activity should avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the amenity of the locality arising from use of the facility, including by noise control and hours of operation.