8 Coastal - Mooring zone

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone apply in the CMA in the Mooring zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions.

1. Activity table

Activity status
Use and activities (s. 12(3) RMA) and associated occupation of the common marine and coastal area (s. 12(2))
Aquaculture activities (including any activities under RMA s.12(1), s. 12(2), s. 12(3) and s.15) Pr
Structures (construction in the CMA (RMA s. 12(1)), occupation of the CMCA (s. 12(2)) and their use (s. 12(3)))
New and existing swing moorings including occupation and use by vessel to be moored P
Pile moorings existing at (date plan is notified) including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored P
New pile moorings including occupation and use by vessel to be moored RD
 Occupation and use by houseboats
 Rangihoua Creek Mooring zone (Waiheke): limited to seven existing houseboats occupying the zone at the date of notification of the Unitary Plan  RD
 Wharf Road Mooring zone (Waiheke): limited to 4 houseboats including the two existing houseboats occupying the zone at the date of notification of the Unitary Plan  RD

2. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities

2.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters listed for each activity below:
1. New pile moorings including occupation and use by vessel to be moored
a. construction or works methods, timing and hours of operation
b. location, extent, design and materials used
c. effects on coastal processes, ecological values, water quality and natural character
d. effects on views and visual amenity
e. effects on public access, navigation and safety
f. effects on existing uses and activities
g. consent duration and monitoring.
2. Occupation and use of Rangihoua Creek and Wharf Road mooring zones by houseboats
a. structural integrity and maintenance
b. location and provision of structures to provide access from land
c. method or mooring or fixture to land or the seabed
d. effects on public access, navigation and safety
e. discharges and effects on water quality
f. disposal of waste
g. additions or alterations
h. monitoring
i. consent duration.
2.2 Assessment criteria
1. New pile moorings including occupation and use by vessel to be moored
a. Refer to the General Coastal Marine zone assessment criteria in addition to the matters below.
b.Proposals for new moorings should demonstrate the location is suitable in terms of wave, tide, and wind conditions, particularly during storms.
c.New moorings should be supported by the provision of land-based facilities in appropriate locations that support mooring zones, such as boat ramps, dingy storage, toilets and wastewater pump out stations.
d.Moorings should not be established for the use of vessels as dwellings.
e.Moorings should provide for shared use where practicable.
f.Mooring zones should be managed to concentrate moorings and maximise the opportunities for the use of water space by other recreational activities.
2. Occupation and use of Rangihoua Creek and Wharf Road mooring zones by houseboats
a.Houseboats should be supported by appropriate land-based facilities that provide for water, wastewater and litter to avoid adverse effects on water quality and amenity values.
b.Houseboats should have appropriate access to land that is located and constructed in a manner that minimises impacts on public access and amenity values.
c.Houseboats should be fixed to the seabed or land in a manner that ensures they will not break free or pose a risk to navigation or public safety, and minimises impacts on public access and amenity values.
d. Houseboats should be of appropriate structural integrity for use as a dwelling.
e.Additions or alterations should not be made to increase the size of a houseboat.
f.Houseboats should be maintained in a manner that maintains and enhances the amenity value of the area.
g.Consents should have a common expiry date to enable a review of the use of the CMA for houseboats.