7 Coastal - Marina zone

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone apply to the CMA in the Marina zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions. 

The activities, controls and assessment criteria in the Public Open Space – Sport and Active Recreation zone apply to the land in the Marina zone unless otherwise specified in the following provisions.

1. Activity table

Those activities in the CMA marked with * apply when the activity is on a CMA structure.
1.1 Works in the CMA (s. 12 (1) RMA)
Activity  Activity Status
 Maintenance dredging  RD
 Capital works dredging
1.2 Use and activities (s. 9 and 12(3) RMA) and associated occupation of the common marine and coastal area (s. 12(2))
Marina zone – activities CMA [rcp] Land [dp]

Workers' accommodation  NA  P
Residential excluding workers’ accommodation  NC  NC
Use and occupation by houseboats  D NA
Aquaculture activities (including any activities under RMA s.12(1), s. 12(2), s. 12(3) and s.15)
 Pr NA
Public amenities  P*  P
Food and beverage  D*  D
Storage and sale of fuel and oil for vessels – maximum of 100m2 GFA  P*  P
Dairies – maximum of 100m2 GFA NA  P
Marine retail  P*  P
Clubrooms for marine-related clubs  P*  P
Offices accessory to marine and port activities
 P*  P
Offices not otherwise provided for in this table  NA  NC
Marine industry other marine and port activities  RD*  RD
 Helicopter landing areas
 D  D
Maritime passenger operations existing at date of plan notification
 P  P
Maritime passenger operations established after the date of plan notification
1.3 Structures (construction on land (RMA s. 9) and in the CMA (s. 12(1)) and occupation of the CMCA (s. 12(2)) and their use (s. 12(3))
Activity CMA [rcp] Land [dp]
Marine and port facilities  P*  P
New CMA structures or buildings
Note: excludes marine and port facilities, marine and port accessory structures and services
 RD*  P
Temporary CMA structures or buildings  P
Marine and port ancillary structures and services  P  P
Maritime passenger facilities established after the date of plan notification
Public transport facilities
 NA  P
Wave attenuation devices  RD  RD
CMA structures or buildings not listed as a permitted or restricted discretionary activity  D
Observation areas, viewing platforms, boardwalks and boat launching facilities
New and existing swing moorings including occupation and use by vessel to be moored  P
New and existing pile moorings including occupation and use by the vessel to be moored  P
Maimai  NC  NC

2. Notification

1. The council will carry out full public notification of applications for resource consent for the following activities:
a. dwellings in the Marina zones specified as a non-complying activity.

3. Land use controls

3.1 Marine retail
1. The gross floor area of an individual retail tenancy must not exceed 100m2.
2. The total cumulative gross floor area of retail activities within the site must not exceed 300m2.
3.2 Workers' accommodation
1. No more than one workers' accommodation dwelling per marina

4. Development controls

4.1 Building height
1. Buildings must not exceed 5m in height above mean sea level within the CMA
2. Buildings must not exceed 9m in height above ground level when located on land
3.Structures such as travel lifts and boat stacking (not within buildings) must not exceed 12m in height above ground level when located on land
4. Development that does not comply with clause 4.1 is a restricted discretionary activity and is subject to the normal notification tests as contained in S95A-95G of the RMA.
4.2 Yards
Table 1:
Front 3m
Yards are not required for internal roads or service lanes
Rear 5m where a rear boundary adjoins a Residential or Open Space zone or a reserve vested in the council
Side 5m where the side boundary adjoins a Residential or Open Space zone or a reserve vested in the council
Water 20m from the edge of a river where a boundary adjoins a river whose bed has an average width of 3m or more

1. Front, side and rear yards must be fully planted with trees, shrubs and ground cover plants within and along the full extent of the yard to provide a layered and densely planted visual buffer. Planting must include specimen trees at a minimum of one every 5m along the full length of the yard.
2. Goods, material, refuse or refuse containers must not be stored in a yard.
4.3 Building coverage
1. The maximum permitted building coverage or cumulative total area of buildings on land must not exceed 15 per cent of the land area in the zone.
4.4 Height in relation to boundary
1. No part of any building may exceed a height equal to 2.5m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and any site boundary, where the boundary is adjacent to a Residential or Open Space zone.
4.5 Storage and screening
1. Any outdoor storage or rubbish collection areas that directly face and are visible from a residential, rural or open space zone must be screened from those areas by a solid wall or fence at least 1.8m high.
4.6 Works within the CMA
1. The controls in the General Coastal Marine zone apply to a building or structure in the CMA, unless otherwise specified in the development controls listed above. 

5. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities

5.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for the restricted discretionary activities listed in the activity table and for land and water use or development control infringements.
1. All activities
a.construction or works methods, timing and hours of operation
b.location, extent, design and materials
c.effects on coastal processes, ecological values, water quality and natural character
d.effects on public access, navigation and safety
e.effects on existing uses and activities
f.effects on Mana whenua values
g.consent duration and monitoring.
2. Marine industry other than the maintenance and servicing of vessels
a.traffic and parking.
3. Maritime passenger operations and facilities established after the date of plan notification
a.traffic and parking.
4. CMA structures or buildings and buildings on land
a.views and visual amenity.
5.2 Assessment criteria
The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria in the General Coastal Marine zone rules in addition to the matters below.
1.Location, extent, design and materials used
a.Any marina development should be of a scale, design and materials and located so that it remedies or mitigates adverse effects on the coastal environment, particularly the following:
i.the natural character of the coastal environment
ii.effects on the recreational, visual and amenity values in the locality, including lighting effects
iii.public access to, along and within the CMA
iv.effects on the landscape elements and features
v.effects on cultural and historic heritage values in the locality
vi.noise effects including construction noise and ongoing operational noise, such as halyard slap
vii.effects on coastal processes including wave sheltering, downstream effects, sediment movement, erosion and deposits, littoral drift, and localised effects on water currents
viii.effects on significant surf-breaks
ix.the need for capital works and maintenance dredging within the marina and any approach/entrance channel, options for disposal, measures to address any contaminants in dredged material, and effects of dredging on water quality
x.effects on other users of the CMA including existing moorings and public boat ramps
xi.effects on navigation and safety and the need for any aids to navigation
xii.the provision of shore-based facilities including car and trailer parking, boat storage and maintenance areas, administration buildings, public toilets, boat racks, lockers, public access and esplanade reserves, landscaping and urban design treatment
xiii.consideration of any relevant council structure plans, concept plans, strategies, reserve management plans, designations or additional limitations that apply to the adjoining land.
2.Existing uses and activities
a.Buildings and activities should consider existing activities including marine related industries, other marina activities and/or adjoining residential/coastal activities. The scale of the proposed activity, the layout of buildings, and acoustic treatment, visual screening, security and landscaping will need to be carefully considered.
3.Traffic and parking
a.Refer to the Auckland-wide rules - Transport assessment criteria.
b.The proposal, including any additional vehicle movements, should not adversely affect the safe and efficient operation of the internal or adjacent road network, including the operation of public transport and the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and general traffic.
c.The provision of parking should ensure the amount of parking is adequate for the site and the proposal, and consider effects on alternative parking available in the area and access to the rapid and frequent service network.
4.Marine industry other than the maintenance and servicing of vessels, maritime passenger facilities
a.Measures should be taken to address reverse sensitivity effects on the surrounding marina zone activities.
b.The activity should be complementary to, and not limit the primary use of the site for marina purposes including the operation of marina activities, maritime passenger transport or other marine-related activities.
c.Adequate provision should be made for activities with a functional requirement for a coastal location.
d.The foreseeable future demand for space for activities with a functional requirement for a coastal location should be provided for without requiring further reclamation as a result of other activities being located within the zone.
e.Measures should be taken to enhance public access to the CMA.
f.Design should reflect the high visibility and coastal nature of the site.
g.The activity should avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the amenity of the locality arising from use of the facility, including by controlling noise and hours of operation.
h.Any generation of a need for parking or transport facilities should not be in conflict with the main marina use and should be integrated with public transport.
5.Intensification of berthage
a.Intensification of berthage within marina zones should be enabled where it will avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the coastal environment, and allow for more efficient use of the CMA.

6. Special information requirements

1. Design statement
A design statement is required for the activities specified in the table below. The design statement is required to include as a minimum the matters indicated within the table as set out in clause 2.7.2 of the general provisions. Drawings, illustrations and supporting written explanation should be proportionate to the complexity and significance of the development proposal. Refer to the ADM for guidance on the preparation of design statements.
Table 2:

 New buildings over 200m2 in the CMA
 1. Site analysis
 a.  Existing site plan X
 b.  Streetscape character
 2. Neighbourhood analysis
 a.  Natural and cultural environment X
 b.  Movement X
 c.  Neighbourhood character X
 d.  Use and activity X
 e.  Urban structure  X
 3. Opportunities and constraints analysis
 a.  Opportunities and constraints diagram X
 a.  Concept design X
 b.  Proposed site plan X
 c.  Proposed elevations X
 d.  Shadow diagrams
 e.  Landscape
 f.  Streets, accessways & lanes
 g.  Urban structure
 h.  Publicly accessible open space