5 Future Urban zone

1. Activity table

The following table specifies the activity status of activities in the Future Urban zone.

All buildings accessory to any activity specified in this table have the same status as the activity itself, unless otherwise specified in this table.

 Activity  Activity status
 Animal breeding or boarding without dogs  P
 Animal breeding or boarding including dogs
 Conservation planting  P
 Equestrian centres  D
 Forestry  P
 Greenhouses  P
 Intensive farming  NC
 Intensively grazed production
 Mustelid farming  Pr
 On-site primary produce manufacturing  P
 Produce stalls  P
 Quarries – farm or forestry  D
 Rural commercial services  RD
 Camping grounds  D
 Home occupations  P
 More than one dwelling per site  NC
 One dwelling per site  P
 Garden centres  D
 Markets  P
 Restaurants and cafes - accessory to farming  RD
 Storage and lock-up facilities  D
 Veterinary clinics  D
 Artworks  P
 Care centres for up to 10 people  P
 Care centres for more than 10 people  D
 Healthcare facilities up to 200m² GFA  D
 Information facilities  P
 Primary school  D
 Artisan industries  P
 Rural industries  D
 Mana Whenua
 Customary use  P
 Marae complex  D
 Urupā  D
 Earthworks and land disturbance
 Cleanfill disposal site  D
 Managed fill disposal site   D 
 Mineral exploration  P
 Mineral extraction activities  D
 Mineral prospecting  P
 Demolition of buildings   P

2. Land use controls

1. The land use controls in the Future Urban zone are those applying in the Rural Production zone where applicable. Refer to clause 13.2 of the Rural zone rules. 

3. Development controls

1. The development controls in the Future Urban zone are those applying in the Rural Production zone where applicable. Refer to clause 13.3 of the Rural zone rules. 

4. Assessment

1. The assessment criteria in the Future Urban zone are those applying in the Rural zones for the relevant activity or development control infringement. Refer to clauses 13.4-13.6 of the Rural zone rules.